Mark Thallander is probably best known for his long and distinguished ministry at The Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California. He joined the staff there in January 1976 as a music associate to Don G. Fontana and assisted Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Schuller with Hour of Power television scripting, service programming and musical guests. Mr. Thallander was Coordinator of Church Music Exploration, a national conference of the Robert Schuller Institute for Successful Church Leadership. Read more
THE MARK A. THALLANDER TRUST PRESENTS: MY JOURNEY OF FAITH as its 2020 CD release! It features Mark Thallander as an organist and pianist in Springfield, Missouri,and Garden Grove, Menlo Park, Pasadena and Costa Mesa, California.
To secure your copy, please send $25 payable to: Mark A. Thallander Trust and mail to P.O. Box 5511, Palm Springs, CA 92263